Thursday, February 13, 2014

DIY {Last Minute} Valentine Card

Dear Friends!
Valentine's Day is tomorrow and while we're snowed in on the East Coast, the message of Love is already spreading and warming our hearts. I always strive to create a personalized card for my sweetheart, and {almost} always at the last minute. Today my original plan was ditched into piles of snow, and I couldn't buy the supplies I had anticipated... until next year I suppose. So, I went into my studio working with bits and pieces, and my imagination and creativity brought this card to life!

You will need:

1. Brown blank card and envelope
2. Scraps of newspaper and craft paper
3. Glue stick
4. Heart-shaped whole punch
Also, you will need a ruler, pencil, marker

Step 1. Using a heart-shaped hole punch, cut out hearts from newspaper and craft paper. Mark equal distance on the front of card and draw lines with pencil, as shown.

Step 2. Fold each paper heart in half and glue only one side along the line, coordinating the sides. Include bright hearts randomly, as shown.

Step 3. On the second or third line draw letter "i" and "u" and glue a heart in between, as shown. Once all of your hearts are glued, erase the lines and your card is ready to present to that special someone!! Let spread the message of LOVE!!!
All images and ideas by DC2NYCo
Copyright 2014


Rowena @ rolala loves said...

That is the cutest idea! I need to get a heart shaped hole punch. Thanks for sharing! Happy Valentine's Day sweetie!

Rowena @ rolala loves

ishhu said...


HopeO said...

Thanks for the article. Recently, I ordered a craft kit online. It is one of the most convenient tools in my entire search list and indeed safe to use for kids.

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